Dear Colleagues:
As many of us gear up for teaching once again, I thought the following might be of interest:
The must-have book for anyone teaching in Higher Education

The Craft of University Teaching
Forthcoming in September 2018
Intended for professors of all academic disciplines who either enjoy teaching or wish to enjoy it more,
The Craft of University Teaching is a provocative and accessible book containing practical advice gleaned from the academic literature on pedagogy.
In an era of increased bureaucratic oversight, rapidly diminishing budgets, and waves of technological distraction,
The Craft of University Teaching provokes reflection on matters of pedagogy that are too often taken as settled. In so doing, it seeks to reclaim teaching as the intellectually vibrant and intrinsically
rewarding endeavor that it is.
an excerpt here
Hardcover | 9781487503239 | 200 pages
$29.95 $19.47
With 35% Website Discount

Happy reading,

Jason Neyers
Professor of Law
Faculty of Law
Western University
Law Building Rm 26
t. 519.661.2111 (x88435)